What to Expect

We're a pretty laid-back congregation, and we hope that you’ll feel comfortable being who you are with us.  On any given Sunday we're about 40-ish people in person with some folks joining online, with maybe 5 children that hang out with us during the service.  We always have a children's story and we don’t mind it one bit if they get restless or make a little noise! 

 We follow our services with a coffee and fellowship time each week- unless it is the third Sunday of the month, in which case we have a potluck lunch. 

2SLGBTQ+ Affirmation Statement

Aberdeen Mennonite Church is a fully affirming congregation. Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and all other sexual minority and gender diverse folks are and will be welcomed to participate in all rites and to serve in all roles. This includes participating in baptism, communion, marriage, church membership, and church leadership.

We lament the prejudice and discrimination found in society and the church and strive, as followers of Jesus, to do better. We seek to be a community that learns and grows together.

As a congregation of Mennonite Church Manitoba (MCM), we agree with and follow the conference’s Confession of Faith. In 2016, MCM encouraged each individual congregation to determine for themselves their philosophy for 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation. Through a process of prayer, study, and discernment we have decided to officially distance ourselves from parts of Article 19 (“Family, Singleness, and Marriage”) to create an inclusive and affirming space.

No one will be pressured to affirm anything contrary to their conscience. We ask only that we treat one another with grace, humility, respect, dignity, and love.